Thursday, January 15, 2009

Claudia Arellano -Final Exam Essay

The theme of this story was, 'It's the thought that counts.' I think this is the theme because the characters go through a lot to make the other happy. Then they realize that the other did the same.
In the story Jim was only making $20 a week. Della his wife, knew they wouldn't have the Christmas she wanted. Della had been saving all she could to buy Jim a Christmas present. But when it gets close to Christamas she had only saved a dollar and eighty seven cents.
Della then becomes sad because she would not afford anything for Jim. Jim was sad beacuse he had no money to buy anything for Della. Della knew that she would not get enough money in a day. So she went out to see what she could afford with a dollar and eighty seven cents. As Della was leaving her home she see's a flyer that says,"Mme.Sofronie. Hair of all kinds." Della ran up the stairs, and asked the lady if she would buy her hair. Even thought she knew she would look like a boy without her hair, Della thought about how happy JIm would be with is present.
Della did not care how she would look, she just wanted Jim to be happy. Della went out and bought Jim a chain for his watch. When she got home Della got ready for when Jim arrived. Della explained to Jim why she cut her hair and began to cry. Jimtolde her he loved her no matter what.
Della opened the gift that Jim had got for her. it was the most beautiful set of combs. Now she had nothing to comb, since she had sold her hir to buy his gift. Della was excited to give Jim his gift. She thought it would look good with his watch. Jim was upset because he had sold the watch to buy Della's gift. Even thought they both lost somthing valuable, they were happy because they got eachother waht they wanted.
The theme was, 'It's the thought that counts,' because they both thought about making eachother happy, when they were giving up their most valuable posentions.

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