Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Ezekiel Jacinto-Romeo&Juliet

I blame the Montagues and the Capulets for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Why because of the familys there like big time enemies and they don't like that because it's not good of them thats why I think they killed themselves. Also they killed themselves because Romeo was about to be killed and so was Juliet by the prince so they did it so they won't be punished by there own families. Next what happened was that they both got buried in the temble and the prince punished both families for there death. Thats why I blame both the Capulets and Montagues.
Next the other person I blame is Benvolio Romeo's good friend. Why because he was the one that told Romeo to go to the party to meet new girls. Next thats when it all started that night when they went to the montague party. Next he saw a beautiful girl that her name was juliet and they met that night by a kiss. Last that all led to the fighting and killing and more hatred of both families.

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