Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Roliesha Morris Final Exam

I think Edgar Allen Poe die from posing from whatever he was drinking. I think this because when i read the article called Poe's final days it said that,"On the former occasions, when Poe had been abusive & ungrateful. Most people get like that when they drink some type of alcohol.
They had found the alcohol in his dresser. So if he had die from rabies they wouldn't have found alcohol in his dresser. When he ws youger he had a drinking problem so that if he had a drinking problem back in the day it is most likely he would start drinking again.
It said his face was pale & he wasa drenced in sweat. This happens when your body goes through stuff because of what you are drinking nor eating. It also said that the next mornig he ws devoled a tremor. The tremor is an especialy from a physical illness. This probably leads to his death.

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